
I was asked a few times, “So what do you guys do for the 4th?”

Any kind of question like that right now is just impossible.

I don’t know.

I don’t want to do traditions any longer. There’s a key player that’s missing right now. How can we be happy doing the same thing we usually do?

But how do I also keep some normalcy for the boys?

That’s my tightrope walk.

Yesterday we grilled.

We hung out with my parents and new friends.

Set off small fireworks.

And we bought a new van. (Pictures coming soon!)

New traditions.

Mixed with old traditions.

And I had no full blown panic attack yesterday.

I consider that a success.

3 thoughts on “Traditions”

  1. I was thinking of you & praying for you on the 4th for the very reasons you listed. So happy to hear it went as well as it did. Traditions are so important, but what you do isn’t nearly as important as who you do it with. Holidays will be hard. I feel your pain & admire your fortitude. Thanks for sharing your experience. You have a unique style of writing that I really enjoy.


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